Written by Josh Martin
An effective website can literally make or break your business. Design and color choice go a long way. According to Forbes magazine, an effective website can even make people forget wrong doings (Source: http://www.forbes.com/2011/05/12/companies-with-most-effective-best-websites.html). Their research suggests BP changing their website and logo helped them regain consumer confidence. This kind of data suggests it is worth the cost and effort to have a well put together website. Today I will highlight some of the characteristics of the best websites and why they appeal to consumers.
Color Choice:
The best website on the internet have several things in common regarding color choice. Commonalties include using a light color that will primarily dominate your website. Black also works, but most choose white. Facebook, Intel, Microsoft, Apple- all use white as the dominate color on their websites. Blues and greys are also effective when applied properly.
Layout and navigation:
When someone visits your website, can they easily find your latest news, contact page, career page, and “about us” page? Everyone is coming for a different reason, making sure they can find what they need easily will really push your website to the top. People have a more positive reaction about websites they can easily navigate.
The small details:
HTML will only take you so far. There are many great websites that are built on HTML, but it is hard to keep up with HTML5, Flash, and Java based websites. Using these programming languages can make your page look smoother, and allow you to have different pages on your website load in highly stylized ways. Facebook’s “Theater Mode” is built on HTML5.
K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid)
Don’t overload your page with big fancy words or long, drawn out explanations. Just give the most direct information, and use links for more information. This allows people to choose how much information they receive.
Properly using this information on your website can help put your company on the map, and also help appeal to what people want to see.
Discuss what changes you want to make on your website in the comments below, or discuss what you have implemented on your website to make it more effective.